Why Do Some Companies Write Them? What Makes a Good One?
Companies, Investors, and Countries
Sandbagging, Conspiring, De-Risking
You Won't Agree on Everything, But You'll Know What You Disagree On
The Economics of a Ludicrously Expensive Hobby That Occasionally Turns Into a Job
Infallible Recession Indicator? Noisy Signal? Both?
Or, Really, How Not to Misread a 13F
A Diversified Portfolio Pays Off in the Market—But Where Else Can You Get It?
How Who's Born When Affects Growth, Rates, and Votes
Putting a Price on Any Asset Means Putting a Price on Uncertainty and Time
Why the Best Way to Make Something Affordable is to Send it Around the World a Few Times
Are people irrationally afraid of debt, or irrationally fond of it?