What's So Bad About Everything Getting Cheaper?
Sure, You've Heard of Gamestop and AMC—But What About the Financial Crisis and the Auto Industry of the 1960s?
Over $10 Trillion Is Managed In a Very Strange Way
And How Investment Bankers, Software Developers, and Unionized Workers Turn a Stock Into a Quasi-Bond
And What’s The Difference Between “Economic Profits” And the Usual Kind?
They Do, However, Get Involved in Conspiracies
The Sociology of Risk-Takers, Fee-Collectors, and More
Is it Skill, a Statistical Artifact, or the Market-Clearing Wage for a Job?
The World's Most Common and Effective Form of Economic Redistribution
The Art and Science of Not-Quite-Selling
How a few linear regressions can continuously psychoanalyze investors
How bid density impacts ads, recommender systems, and salary negotiations.